Rachel Evans first fell in love with speech when she was a freshman in high school. During her four years at Salado, Rachel competed in original oratory and congress but focused most of her time on extemp. As a high school competitor, Rachel was a two-time state congress champion, an extemp state champion, and broke to multiple national outrounds in extemp. This year, Rachel will be a rising Junior on the University of Texas Speech Team and is looking forward to another year of speech! As a college competitor, Rachel has broken to outrounds in extemp, info, persuasion, CA, and impromptu at both the AFA and NFA national tournaments. Rachel is double majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) and Religious Studies at UT. She hopes to attend graduate school at Gallaudet University after her four years on the team are finished. Texas Fight and Hook ‘em!

Rachel:For so long, I felt like I didn’t have a voice–and that the world was far too large for me to matter. Speech taught me that I was wrong. This community has the ability to impact thousands while simultaneously breaking down the walls that we’ve encased ourselves in. Take a breath. Take a risk. Speak for yourself. Speak with others. Change the world.”
